Blood Beat, d. Fabrice A. Zaphiratos (1983)
Rural Wisconsin is an odd place for the murderous spirit of a long dead Samurai to hang out, but I've watched so many horror films my disbelief has not just been suspended, it's been rescinded from lack of use. Blood Beat is low key and cheap (hurrah!), and trundles along on angry psychic energy as, hung on the avenging samurai stuff coat hook, is the story of a dysfunctional extended family who all seem to have latent extrasensory powers, some more latent than others.
It gets a billion bonus points for its primitive synth soundtrack and panoply of felt tipped on visual effects, including the classic mind laser jazz hands. Seriously, it's like they made this film just for me. I thank the film makers for their thoughtfulness and the awesome Hellfire Video Club for drawing this to my attention.