Michael Jackson was a preternaturally, supernaturally talented person. He did a lot of weird things, and was clearly a very troubled individual but, in his pomp (a period of about twenty five years) he did amazing stuff in music and dance that has left an indelible mark on popular culture.
Case in point: Can You Feel It.
Yes, it’s a fantastic pop record, but its accompanying film
(conceived by Michael, and realised in conjunction with computer graphics pioneer, Robert Abel) takes it to an entirely new dimension. In this universe, The
Jacksons unexpectedly arrive in a troubled world in a blaze of golden light and glitter. The
brothers appear as gigantic, glowing figures towering over the world, but despite being quite able to trash Tokyo, they
are smiling, beneficent titans, here to heal the world rather than harm it.
Their presence, which is accompanied by whooshing noises and bursts of synth
and guitar, brings peace to the world, and a new understanding. By the end of
the song, the people of Earth stand hand in hand, their petty differences
forgotten, in a scene reminiscent of the idealised pictures found in Jehovah’s
Witness leaflets*. All that's missing is a tame lion and some big bowls of fruit.
With any other band, this might seem like preposterous
hubris: the brothers as Gods visiting Earth and making it better with their awesomeness. In this film,
however, the brothers don’t seem to be imperious, or omniscient, or omni-anything.
Rather, their powers seem to be a delight to them, as if they have been suddenly
suffused with a divine light, as if they are vessels of a higher power rather
than the power itself. There is a lot of pointing in the film – people pointing
at the Jacksons and the incredible things they do, and the Jacksons pointing at
each other, ecstatically surprised at how divine they have suddenly become.
It’s worth noting the nifty orchestral additions to the track,
also written by Michael in a modern classical style reminiscent of the music to Logan's Run. They are mainly buried in the mix of the (otherwise wonderful) version
released as a single, and that’s something of a shame. In an ideal world, the
sort of world where five cool siblings regularly appear to magically make things better, there
is a ten, no, a twenty minute Can You Feel It filled with sound effects and strings and horns
and hope and groove which would become a world anthem that every single person and animal on earth could get
As a final note, it’s worth remembering that the Jacksons went
into the studio to record this track (and the album Destiny) in the same month
that Michael finished recording Off The Wall, the album that would cement his solo superstar status. Oh, and Michael was still only 20 years
old. Incredible.
* The Jacksons were all Jehovah's Witnesses. Imagine opening your door to them.
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